Our Pasta

Bertagni’s story begins more than 130 years ago, in 1882, in the Luigi Bertagni’s workshop, the homeland of tortellini. Bertagni Fresh Pasta is sold every day on 5 continents, in the best delicatessens of food specialties, and through the Premium brand of the most important international retailers.

Our filled pasta is made perfectly and with care! It is delicious, it does not open during cooking, it is beautiful, rich in flavor and can also be eaten with just a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and a sprinkle of Parmigiano Reggiano. It is not necessary to accompany it with a sauce!

Dimensions, texture, unique shapes and rich fillings and refined flavors, make our filled pasta perfectly recognizable on the market.
What is the proof of the quality of our product? Once you are done eating one dish, you want to eat another one, RIGHT AWAY!


Cappellacci Pasta Bertagni

Big Girasole

Girasoli Pasta Bertagni


maltagliato Bertagni

Big Tortellone

gran-tortellone Bertagni


Girasoli Pasta Bertagni


triangoli bertagni


Girasoli Pasta Bertagni

“A shape for a special occasion: CUORE”

And many others to find out …